Hempton Common Lands Charity
First established in 1808, the charity manages seven acres three rood and eleven poles of land situated in Hempton which is let by the trustees to farmers and the proceeds were to be spent on coal which was distributed to the poor of Hempton. The charity has recently updates its constitution to modernise its goals and is now able to better support parishioners resident in Hempton.
Grant Giving Policy
The Charity aims to benefit persons and relieve either generally or individually persons resident in the village of Hempton, in the county of Oxfordshire, who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress in particular by the provision of furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, tools, books, payment of fees for instruction or examination or travelling expenses as the trustees shall think fit.
What we support
Applications for furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, tools, books, payment of fees for instruction or examination or travelling expenses.
This list is indicative rather than exclusive.
What we do not support
The following will only be supported in exceptional circumstances:
• other charities
• appeals for salaries
• work that is primarily the responsibility of statutory authorities including
residential, respite, day care and housing provision
• animal welfare, zoos, captive breeding or animal rescue centres
• retrospective grants although we may be prepared to consider applications for work already done which was urgent (such as essential emergency repairs)
• more than one appeal from the same applicant within a 24-month period.
Size of grants
Most of our grants are up to £100 but we might consider making a larger grant if there were funds available.
We take into account the amount raised towards a project as well as the project’s objectives and the extent of deprivation in the community concerned.
Applications must be made in writing to the Vicar of Deddington.
Applications will be considered at the next trustee meeting.
The trustee’s decision is final and no further correspondence on an application will be considered once a decision has been given.
The trustees may require evidence that the grant given has been spent in accordance with the purpose in the grant request.
November 2018
Charity Number 1176737
First established in 1808, the charity manages seven acres three rood and eleven poles of land situated in Hempton which is let by the trustees to farmers and the proceeds were to be spent on coal which was distributed to the poor of Hempton. The charity has recently updates its constitution to modernise its goals and is now able to better support parishioners resident in Hempton.
Grant Giving Policy
The Charity aims to benefit persons and relieve either generally or individually persons resident in the village of Hempton, in the county of Oxfordshire, who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress in particular by the provision of furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, tools, books, payment of fees for instruction or examination or travelling expenses as the trustees shall think fit.
What we support
Applications for furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, tools, books, payment of fees for instruction or examination or travelling expenses.
This list is indicative rather than exclusive.
What we do not support
The following will only be supported in exceptional circumstances:
• other charities
• appeals for salaries
• work that is primarily the responsibility of statutory authorities including
residential, respite, day care and housing provision
• animal welfare, zoos, captive breeding or animal rescue centres
• retrospective grants although we may be prepared to consider applications for work already done which was urgent (such as essential emergency repairs)
• more than one appeal from the same applicant within a 24-month period.
Size of grants
Most of our grants are up to £100 but we might consider making a larger grant if there were funds available.
We take into account the amount raised towards a project as well as the project’s objectives and the extent of deprivation in the community concerned.
Applications must be made in writing to the Vicar of Deddington.
Applications will be considered at the next trustee meeting.
The trustee’s decision is final and no further correspondence on an application will be considered once a decision has been given.
The trustees may require evidence that the grant given has been spent in accordance with the purpose in the grant request.
November 2018
Charity Number 1176737