All services are live on ChurchTV. |
Welcome |
Weekly pew sheet
Benefice |
We are a Christian community of all ages committed to loving God with all our heart and mind and strength and to loving other people as ourselves. We enjoy a mix of contemporary and traditional Anglican worship.
Our mission is to share the life-changing love of Jesus, serving our whole community. Whoever you are and wherever you are from we welcome you to our website and look forward to seeing you soon. |
Sign up for weekly email updates to receive the latest pew sheet directly to your inbox,
includes the News, Notices and service times for the coming Week. Click here to sign up. Click here for the latest edition. Click here for the archive. |
The historic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul is the Parish Church of Deddington.
All are welcome to visit the church services online via ChurchTV St John the Evangelist, Hempton St. Michael, Barford St. Michael St. John, Barford St. John |
Squiggles and Wriggles |
Peter and Paul's Pantry |
Family Service |
Squiggles and Wriggles is back! Our weekly gatherings are beginning with Tea & Toast at 09.30 on Thursday 9th September in Deddington Church. Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers and Childminders are all most welcome to bring along their small charges for play, chat and refreshments!
We are delighted to now be a donation point for the Banbury Food Bank. In addition to this, in a bid to help reduce food waste in the village, we have also teamed up with local food-based businesses and we will have a stall set up in Church each Tuesday and Thursday from 5.30-6.30pm offering free food to anyone who wants it, including fruit, veg and more.
Schedule of services
All to be broadcast live on ChurchTV
All to be broadcast live on ChurchTV
Monday to Friday: 08:45 – 09:15. Morning Prayers
For the daily prayer list click here You can follow Daily Prayers on the Church of England website, click here. "Church of England Daily Prayer" is available as an App from the App Store for your device. |
Every Wednesday at 10:00 - Holy Communion
For the Order of Service - click here |
Every second Sunday at 09:00 - Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer
For the Order of Service - click here |
Could you please support us?
The parish church of St Peter and St Paul in Deddington, is an ancient and very beautiful building. Worship has been taking place inside its walls since 1245, and up until its temporary closure due to COVID-19, worship has continued.
As you can imagine, it is no small exercise maintaining a building of this size and importance, and often repairs can be very expensive. We also support and do what we can for other charities - this year our chosen charities are Embrace the Middle East, Thrive NorthOx and Oxford Winter Night shelter. Up until now our appeal for donations on our website has been a general one for church funds, but we would like to give donors a target to aim for. We have some upcoming projects on the church fabric and our Fabric Fund is getting low. We wish to upgrade the interior lighting to energy efficient LED floodlights, the uneven footpath from the north-west gate in the Bull Ring needs to be made safer and we have to rebuild the roof of the south porch. All these have significant importance and it is hard to put them in an order of priority and so we would like to set a target figure of £15,000 to get them all completed. Thank you for your support, we are extremely grateful for any donations you can make towards the cost of these essential works. Please use the 'donate’ button on our website and give what you can. |